Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog Post #1: E.J.E Artistic Statement




Being inspirational is my personal motivation. I live for discovering the unkown and bring forth the beautiful things I have found such as in what I wear, to the music I listen to, scenery and the people I grew up learning from. Doing what isn't the norm is my sure way of letting my voice be heard and having my work be seen. I am fortunate enough to be able to bring a lot of my thoughts to life on a paper. Variety is truly the spice of life and I intend on making use of my limbs to explore places and face the fears that I have because I know it will only help me enhance my work. 

I aspire to be as artisitc like people I've encountered who know the in's and out of art history. I take pleasure of past, present, and furturistic emotional art. Through my poetry, journal writing, photography, short videos and painting: it is my outlet to stress. I look for meaning in everything in life, with that said ... being artistic and having a creative mind, I truly didn't consider creating a job out of it or studying in media! But the fact that I can creat and share things with others that can put a smile on someon's face makes me truly happy. 

Click this link if you'd like to see the video I created based off of my family Thanksgiving Feast :)

Since I was a child, I was always with "a mind in the clouds." I fantasize a life outside of this World. I enjoy mythology and the classics. I daydream about Egyptians and Greek's, Dragons and castles with Kings and Queens (which is why I'm such a big fan of Game of Thrones), I love watching animation movies and shows and I imagine superheroes such as heros from Marvel and DC, you name it I know it, I'm a dork and very proud of it. 

I  could agree that looks are very deceiving. When people meet me they see a girl who's into fashion, who looks stuck up, but this is what I really am ... a girl who's into fashion and who is actually very sweet and caring. I'm a libra and a fun fact about my name Evelyn means "motherhood" and "life". I love my family so I am very much family orientated. So that pretty much sums up the type of person I am. 
The cliché  line of "the older you get the wiser you become" has never been more true because I have realized that through my experiences I learn more about myself and learn more ways that I can show others what life can offer
Life is my teacher and I am life's student and whatever is thrown at me, positive or negative, I know that these experiences are what are going to continue to shape me into the artisti and inspirational being that I hope to become. 
Overall, my dream or goals in life right now are very blurry to be very honest. I went from majoring in Biology to a media student. So everything is pretty new to me. But as a media major now, I'm going with the flow, not rushing what I want to be, but allowing my talents and interests take me wherever the universe allows me. I am excited that I am creating a blog soon enough and hoping it becomes something greater. I would be very interested in working for TV and production in the business field, such as E! News, Billboards, Comedy Central or any small industries as well. I want to create and work with a team that can help entertain, teach, inform, and make others laugh and smile. So who knows what I am going to do in life but I do know this ...
I will be working either behind a camera; if not in front of the camera. 

I truly hope my talents take me somewhere knowing that every time I wake up, I wake up excited, loving my job. 

And that's a wrap! 

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